This cake is known and popular in the 90s. Many are sold in the airtight packaging. In addition, this cake is also known in Dutch as a specekek. With a characteristic layer of texture that is layered between brown and yellow, so this cake is named and known in the community as a legit layer cake.
For the problem of the taste of this cake, there is no doubt, and also able to compete with pastries today. Lapis Legit Cake is somewhat somewhat outdated, but until now this cake is still widely enjoyed by the people of Indonesia.
Currently the popularity of legit layer cake is somewhat reduced, it might be because the selling price in the market is quite expensive. All of that is possible because it is quite complicated in the way it was made.
Lapis Legit Cake Recipe is different from the others, arguably tricky. Need accuracy and patience in the making. Even for the ingredients, it's quite a lot, especially in eggs which are quite a lot.
Some of the people who are the first time to practice making legit layer cake are many who fail. According to the survey results, most layer cakes fail the results are too harsh in texture. But there are also the results that are too soft and the texture of the layers is not visible.
Well for mothers at home who want to try the practice of making this layer cake legit, the most important thing is to prioritize the accuracy and perseverance in the manufacturing process. Please mother, as usual prepare the cookbook. Record the ingredients and how to make it below.
Main Ingredients:
- 300 Gram Granulated Sugar (Refined Granulated Sugar).
- 350 Grams of Butter (Shake well until fluffy).
- 25 Egg Grains (Take the egg yolk only).
- 50 Grams of Flour (Blue Triangle).
- 35 Gram Maizena Flour.
- 6 Egg White Grains.
- 2 Spoon Specifics Spices.
- 1 Vanilla Tea Spoon (to taste).
- 1 Teaspoon Cake Emulsifer (Cake Texture Softener).
- 9 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk (to taste)
Ways of making :
- The first step please prepare in advance the container to make a large or medium sized dough.
- The next step is to take and add refined sugar, 25 eggs and 6 egg whites.
- Then please shake until evenly mixed and soft the three ingredients.
- Then put the emulsifer cake into the dough container one teaspoon, and then shake again until the mixture is expanded.
- The next step, please add milk powder, one teaspoon spice, maize flour and flour. then stir again until all the ingredients are mixed evenly and not lumpy.
- Continue to put the butter in the main dough container little by little while stirring in the dough container.
- Then heat the oven until it's really hot.
- The next step is to prepare a baking sheet then put baking paper on the bottom and also spread with a little margarine so that the dough does not stick.
- Then pour a little cake mixture for the first layer, then spread it evenly. (For thickness please approximate).
- Continue to put the baking sheet in the oven and bake the tunnels until they turn brown.
- Next look at the batter on the pan, if it is brownish then continue to pour the mixture over the pan again and then put it back in the roast oven until the batter's brown color is browned.
- Please repeat the same thing as above, until all the dough is gone and in layers.
- The final stage bakes the layered dough again, for about 17 minutes until the dough is cooked.
- The legit layer cake is ready and ready to be served to the family at home.
Making a legit layer cake requires a fairly complicated process and patience. Thus a detailed review of Recipes for Making Wet Lapis Legit Cakes. Now for the mother at home, please try to practice making it. Hopefully useful and good luck trying the recipe.