How to make dodol from jackfruit bananas

Almost everyone must have known bananas. The plant which has the scientific name Musa paradisiacal L. This is a wet tropical climate fruit plant that usually grows in areas that have evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year. This plant is quite popular among the people of Indonesia and almost everyone likes the sweet taste of bananas

Bananas are high in protein, which is higher than other fruits, but bananas are easily damaged or rotten. To prevent, spoilage can be done by preserving the fruit, for example in the form of chips, dodol. Jackfruit Banana Dodol is processed banana into one mixture to form a special elasticity.

How to make dodol from jackfruit bananas

Jackfruit banana has a sour taste, so it is rarely served as a dessert fruit. This sour taste makes the economic value of jackfruit bananas low compared to other types of bananas, such as: golden king bananas, ambon bananas, banana horns, banana uli, etc. The economic value of jackfruit bananas can be increased by processing it into banana dodol. The following is how to make jackfruit banana dodol.

Tools and Materials :
  • Tools: Washbasin, Wood cutting mat, Knife, dodol mold, Frying pan, Pounder, Furnace, Wooden spoon, Fine sifter
  • Ingredients: 2 kg of jackfruit bananas, 1 Ounce Granulated sugar, 3 ounces of brown sugar, 1 Ounce of 1 ounce of glutinous rice flour, Vanilla and coconut to taste

The Process of Making Jackfruit Banana Dodol:
  • Peel a banana and cut it into small pieces and then puree it in a way on the blander / pounded.
  • Peel the coconut, grate and then take the coconut milk.
  • Mix the mashed bananas with sticky rice flour, vanilla, granulated sugar, brown sugar and coconut milk until blended.
  • Heat until a thick mixture is formed for 3 hours.
  • Pour the finished mixture into the mold.
  • Chill, then cut into small pieces according to taste.
  • Put it in a plastic bag.

The addition of glutinous rice flour should not be too much so that the dodol is not hard, the packaging is done after it is completely cold and kept in a closed place so that dodol remains supple as before. good luck making jackfruit banana dodol. Good luck !!